Dun Loireag

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Dun Loireag
The Highland City, Dun Loireag. Translated to the Weaver Guardian, it proves to be an unusual root town. It is composed of a group of floating grassy platforms, connected to each other by wooden bridges. While they seem shoddily built due to the unevenly placed planks, they are quite sturdy. But it would be ill-advised to test them strenuously. Falling from Dun Loireag would be unpleasant at best. The mist winds through the hovering circles of rock, making vision beyond a few decameters difficult.

Stone, rectangular buildings that are placed by the islands' rock formations serve as the shops in this server. NPC's garbed in orange serve as the vendors, who decorated their open stalls with their various wares.

At the far end of the root town is a grunty ranch. Baby grunties roam about, waiting for a caretaker. Adult Grunty NPC's can also be found roaming about the town, speaking what many players consider as random chatter.
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